Email Notification SQl Server Jobs

A business critical SQL Server job failed during the weekend without anyone knowing about it. When some errors are not predictable, a good system should at least send notifications when things go wrong. In this case, it would have been appropriate if an email was sent to the relevant person with as much details possible about the error.
In SQL Server, we need to setup the following two features:
  1. Firstly, Database Mail; it should be enabled and configured. This has been covered in detail here.
  2. Secondly, an Operator that will be used by SQL Agent jobs to notify the relevant person or group.
Let’s create a new Operator:
Right click on Operators and click New Operator...
Right click on Operators and click New Operator...
In the next step, all we need is specify the email address of the person or group to receive notifications
Specify an email address
Specify an email address
Now that the Operator is ready,  any sql agent job can use it
Job property - notification tab
Job property - notification tab
Last but not least, let’s make sure that SQL Server Agent is able to use the Database Mail profile
SQL Server Agent properties
SQL Server Agent properties
Alert System - choose the mail profile to use for sending notifications
Alert System - choose the mail profile to use for sending notifications
Restart SQL Server Agent


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