DragPanel Demonstration

DragPanel Description:

The DragPanel extender allows users to easily add "draggability" to their controls. The DragPanel targets any ASP.NET Panel and takes an additional parameter that signifies the control to use as the "drag handle". Once initialized, the user can freely drag the panel around the web page using the drag handle.

DragPanel Properties:

The control above is initialized with this code:

<ajaxToolkit:DragPanelExtender ID="DPE1" runat="server"
    DragHandleID="Panel4" />

    TargetControlID - The ID of a Panel to make draggable.
    DragHandleID - The ID of a control that will serve as the "drag handle" for the panel. When the user clicks and drags this control, the panel will move.



Anonymous said...

Panel control for Windows Forms

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