Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts Implementation in MicrosoftExcel 2010

I came to know that Most of the people do not know what is Pivot table and their importance in analysis of the team status reports, bug report or appraisal reports whatever it may be. These can be used by mid-level to Top Management people or Business Analysts, Account managers in order to view Monthly reports, Weekly reports or any kind of customized reports. In fact these tables and charts help to analyses the performance, while submitting status reports to the clients.
To create a Pivot table first and foremost we need Data. So download this excel sheet that contains data, use the following procedure to create a pivot table.

What is Pivot Table ?
As the name suggests they allow us to pivot data using drag-and-drop in order to produce logically meaningful information. Even if you are an expert sometimes a trial and error, some steps will take you to produce desired pivot table data. This is nice reporting feature that helps in sorting, summing and performing any type of operations independently on the data.

How to Create?
Go to Insert Menu-> Pivot Table in the Ribbbon UI-> then select the data Range

You can also specify the external Data Source as data range.
Select the location where PIVOT table need to be created, i.e. either in existing sheet or a new sheet.
By default it will be created in a new Sheet. Specify the Location to be created. Click on O.K.
Based on the raw data given, we need to get the monthly data, based on the subject, need to inspect how much score each month is scored per subject based on package type.
You can drag and drop data columns to the Horizontal rows or vertical columns using Pivot Table Field Set, for the data analysis.
Pivot Table Field List
Pivot Table Filed List is used to create or customize Pivot table. Pivot Table Field List can be docked, once you double click on the table it gets undocked.
You have the following options in order to customize Pivot Table F ield List window.
pivottable-Fileds customization5
At any time if the data is updated and if you want the created pivot table also to be updates please click on refresh.
Grouping Pivot Table Data
Select the cell of the column that is to be grouped. Then Right Click and say Group By.
What are Pivot Charts?
These are the graphical representation of the Pivot Tables. To create a pivot chart first we need to have pivot table.
Select any cell from the Pivot Table
In the Ribbbon UI toolbar navigate to Insert tab- >Select Column - >Select Chart Type.
· At any time, we can change the chart type from line to 2D or pie chart by right clicking on the chart and select chart type. You can also format pivot by click on format chart area.
· At any time if the data is updated and if you want the created pivot table to update please right click and then click on Refresh Data option.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any issues with the Pivot tables.


Anonymous said...

Implement chartview to PivotGrid component

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